Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dinner and a movie!

Or rather, a slide show.

At our Thursday potluck this week, July 22, Gerry and Marilyn Griebel will show slides of their recent medical mission trip to Oyugis, Kenya, with Project Helping Hands.

Thursday potlucks begin at 6:30. The church will provide table service and drinks. Please bring a dish to share and a big appetite, because the food has been yummy every week. Dave Lucas has promised to bring peach cobbler baked in his Dutch oven this week. Come on Thursday to learn whether Dave can make good on his promise or his wife's raised eyebrows prove to be prophetic.

This would be a good time to invite a friend to learn about the good things going on at Rico Community Church, and the good things going OUT from RCC! Anyone who thinks we are a staid bunch of Christians who never laugh or discuss anything but the Bible is in for a big surprise. We are an animated bunch who are doing our best to live as God's faithful people.

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